RT Article T1 A Spiritual Person JF Journal of religion and health VO 50 IS 2 SP 313 OP 320 A1 Capps, Donald 1939- LA English PB Springer Science + Business Media B. V. YR 2011 UL https://www.ixtheo.de/Record/1668818256 AB When asked in a questionnaire to describe a spiritual person, William James named one instead: Phillips Brooks. This article focuses on Brooks—his life, his sermons, and his poem "O Little Town of Bethlehem"—to make the case that he exemplified James' view of spirituality as "a susceptibility to ideals, but with a certain freedom to indulge in imagination about them." It also supports Belzen's (Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 12:205-222, 2009) view that there is no spirituality in general but only individual manifestations of it, a point that James' nomination of Brooks implicitly supports. K1 Ideals K1 Imagination K1 Inner resources K1 Jacob A. Belzen K1 James Bissett Pratt K1 Louis Martz K1 Meditation K1 Phillips Brooks K1 Spirituality K1 Vision K1 William James DO 10.1007/s10943-010-9340-0