RT Article T1 Introduction: The Body is the Place Where Pilgrimage Happens JF The international journal of religious tourism and pilgrimage VO 7 IS 1 SP 1 OP 10 A1 Terreault, Sara LA English PB Dublin Institute of Technology YR 2019 UL https://www.ixtheo.de/Record/1694806111 AB This paper lays the groundwork for reflection on pilgrimage in Christian and postChristian contexts, specifically as a cluster of performative practices of movement through time and across space, originating and substantiated in the lived flesh of pilgrim bodies-in-the-world. Thinking with Eade, Sallnow, and Poteat, no less than with Badiou, Eagleton, and Ricoeur, the author theorises the pilgrim body at the nexus of bodies, topographies, mobilities, and narratives. K1 Badiou K1 Christian K1 Eade K1 Poteat K1 Ricoeur K1 Sallnow K1 Body K1 Communitas K1 embodied religion K1 embodiedness K1 mind-body K1 mindbody K1 Mobility K1 Narrative K1 Pilgrimage K1 post-Christian K1 Post-modern K1 theorising pilgrimage K1 Topography K1 Transcendence DO 10.21427/tm2e-c656