RT Article T1 Post-Conciliar Developments in the Catholic Doctrine of Charisms: Lumen Gentium and Iuvenescit Ecclesia Compared JF Irish theological quarterly VO 87 IS 3 SP 192 OP 211 A1 Stayne, John LA English PB Sage YR 2022 UL https://www.ixtheo.de/Record/1809671841 AB The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s letter Iuvenescit Ecclesia represents a considerable, and largely unnoticed, development in the Catholic doctrine of the charisms. Despite being widely overlooked, this document contains a sophisticated, and quasi-systematic, theological presentation of the charismatic gifts. The present essay compares the teaching on the charisms in Iuvenescit Ecclesia with the earlier teaching in Lumen Gentium in three areas: (1) the wider theological grounding of the charisms; (2) the meaning of the term charism; (3) the value assigned to the charisms. Through this, the postconciliar developments in the area of the charisms are brought sharply into focus, demonstrating the significance of Iuvenescit Ecclesia for the future of Catholic ecclesiology. K1 Lumen Gentium K1 Iuvenescit Ecclesia K1 Ecclesiology K1 Charisms K1 Catholic DO 10.1177/00211400221098013