RT Article T1 Rozumienie i znaczenie honoru oraz pudeur w muzułmańskich społecznościach Maghrebu JF Studia religiologica VO 54 IS 4 SP 285 OP 306 A1 Linek, Ewa LA Polish PB Wydawn. Uniw. Jagiellońskiego YR 2021 UL https://www.ixtheo.de/Record/1846184975 AB This article introduces the concepts of honour and pudeur in the Maghreb - an area whose culture was shaped mainly by three factors: the tribal traditions of the indigenous Berber people, the customs of the Arabs who arrived there in the seventh century, and Islam. Two complementary principles mentioned in the title are among the most important regulators of all aspects of the lives of traditional Maghreb communities: social, family, individual and personal. The author tries to define both concepts, which, despite their apparent obviousness, turns out to not be an easy task. She examines the reasons for their high position in the system of values of societies living in the western part of North Africa and the ubiquitous manifestations of their impact that are visible in, for example, local customs, rituals, social structure and the organisation of space. She also explores the selected, individual consequences of living under constant pressure from the community which controls the lives of its members. K1 Maghreb K1 Honor K1 Honour K1 Masculinity K1 męskość K1 plemienność K1 pudeur K1 the Maghreb K1 Tribalism DO 10.4467/20844077SR.21.018.17240