RT Article T1 Relire l’encyclique «Veritatis splendor» à la lumière des Pères et de saint Thomas d’Aquin JF Scripta theologica VO 55 IS 1 SP 195 OP 212 A1 Somme, Luc-Thomas 1960- LA French YR 2023 UL https://www.ixtheo.de/Record/1865872563 AB The luminous teaching of the encyclical Veritatis Splendor is based on Scripture, on numerous Fathers and theologians, as the abundant notes to which the text of the document refers show. Among these sources, St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas play a prominent role, as a careful reading of the encyclical will convince. A renewed reading can therefore follow the opposite path, starting from the broader places where these authors are mentioned in order to shed light on the subject of the encyclical. We then find both confirmation of its doctrine and a welcome additional light that allows us to measure how much this contemporary Magisterium updates a rich, centuriesold moral tradition. K1 Magistère K1 Morale K1 Pères K1 Veritatis Splendor K1 saint Augustin K1 saint Thomas d'Aquin DO 10.15581/