RT Article T1 Declaration of the Special Synod Assembly for Europe: Rome, November 28 - December 14, 1991 JF Origins VO 21 LA English PB Service YR 1991 UL https://www.ixtheo.de/Record/596531672 K1 Römische Bischofssynode K1 Europa K1 Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts K1 Mission/Weltmission K1 Ökumene K1 Katholische Kirche K1 Orientalische Kirchen K1 Europäische Einigung K1 Synod of Bishops in Rome K1 Europe K1 end of the East-West conflict K1 mission/world mission K1 ecumene K1 Catholic Church K1 Oriental Church K1 European Unification